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Comments (6)

Dubach - 27 August 09:40

Veux vous homme chez moi lit, moi ici terne quand je suis seul!

Petta - 3 October 04:01

Une organisation qui utilisait notamment un imposant bâtiment de Lodelinsart divisé en plusieurs appartements de luxe. RTLinfo a consulté les auditions des "secrétaires" du réseau.

Emery - 17 February 03:52

It's totally do-able when you have the right resources and a place of good intentions.

Rogelio - 11 February 05:57

She's sweet! Let me do that for you honey. You'll cum so hard!

Alphonso - 10 March 13:57

14, 20, 22?

Adesso - 28 August 20:54

Byron Long Be Punishing Them Hoes

Belia - 17 July 05:02

One kinda misleading thing is the 15-28 chance of pregnancy. Thats EACH time time you do the pull out method, you have a 15-28 chance of getting pregnant. If you have sex everyday for a year and pull out, by the end of the year, you'll probably be pregnant. Each time you do it the percentage of chance may be the same, but the risk increases if that makes sense? Its kinda like playing Russian roulette. The number of bullets don't increase, but the odds of getting the bullet increases each time.

Trahan - 3 December 23:05

Wish I could lick u both so sexy

Camille. Age: 20
Sandra. Age: 25
Lorenza. Age: 26