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Comments (9)

Gaylord - 22 September 17:03

Bloque sur appetissants photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, besoin simplement telephoner et profiter de l’ambiance, qualite sexe toi nomination.

Almeda - 5 October 18:01

Ici plus magnifique putains: chic et elegant poupées et dépravé putains.

Bryan - 12 May 19:34

I'm having a debate on why the government should ban abstinence only sex education do you have any good points or citations?

Frank - 3 August 15:56

Обаленно прекрасная пизда!!!!

Herrell - 9 July 09:26


Minna - 21 January 20:02

Ah! Nice job, Nick! Loved it! I like that you expounded upon your comment from the End of the year Sexplanations episode when Lindsey asked What do you want Sexplaneteers to know? you said You are not what you like, that is not what identifies you. .Or something like that. I thought it was a super awesome comment made me reflect not only on myself but also societal cultural identifiers and perceptions.

Graham - 16 November 17:00

First, this is nothing towards your video but I hate the new comments. why take something so simple and make it so complicated. Google is just trying to make Google happen. it's never going to happen.